Friday, February 14, 2020

Nama baay'ee kabaju nama kabajaa itti aantuu Hayyu duree Paartii PBO

Qabsaa'ootaa fi Gootota Oromoo


1. Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa

2. Waaqo Guutu

3. Elemoo Qilxuu

4. Taaddasaa Birruu

5. Abbishee Garbaa

6. Laggaasa Wagii

7. Huseen Bunee

8. Bakar Waare

9. Eebbisaa Addunyaa

10. Baayisa Taaddasaa

11. Magarsaa Barii

12. Gadaa Gammadaa

13. Baaroo Tumsaa

14. Abbomaa Mitikuu

15. Mucee Ahmed Mucee

16. Dirribee Jifaar

17. Jaagamaa Badhaanne

18. Tigist Maammoo

19. Alamuu Qixxeesaa

20. Oliqaa Dingil

21. Kabbadaa Buzuneesh

22. Abdataa Olaansa

23. Gaaddisaa Hirphaasaa

24. Kumaala Guddisaa

25. Abdiisa Guutu

26. Maammoo Mazamiir

27. Roobaa Buttaa

28. Abdiisa Agaa

29. Leenjisoo Diggaa

30. Tasfahuun Cammadaa

31. Hajii Adaam Saaddoo

32. Aggarii Tulluu

33. Mul’ata Fayyisoo

34. Guddinaa Tumsaa

35. Guutamaa Hawaas

36. Amiir Abdulfattaah

37. Haaylee Fidaa

38. Usmaayyoo Mussaa

39. Geexee Tafarii

40. Garasuu Dhukii

41. Sheek-Bakarii Saphaloo

42. Dagaa Doone

43. Alammayyoo Garbaa

44. Jaarsoo Waaqo

45. Hussein Abbaa Bulguu

46. Abbaa Faaroo

47. Badhaadha Darmoo

48. Muhammad Baladee

49. Nuur-Yisaaq Dhaddee

50. Dabalaa Oliqaa

51. Yayaa Alii Sire

52. Hayilaamariyaam Gammadaa

53. Argaaw Dinqaa

54. Daraara Kafanii

55. Kabbadaa Badhaasa

56. Lachiisa Fullaasa

57. Habtamu Bayyataa

58. Ibroo Shaxaa

59. Nuurresaa Girmaa

60. Haaylee Dastaa

61. Ayyaantu Boraana

62. Milkeessaa Gadaa

63. Raggasaa Haayluu

64. Musxaafa Huseen

65. Tolaasa Dhufeera

66. Nadhii Gammadaa

67. Abdiisa Balchaa

68. Caalii Shoonee

69. Qeerroo Naggeesoo

70. Lammeesoo Booruu

71. Raggaasa Gammadaa

72. Birra Gammadaa

73. Fayyee Garasuu

74. Guraara Lataa

75. Hawaas Gadaa

76. Badhaasa Dilgaasa

77. Mulluu Wasaanu

78. Mul’isaa Gadaa

79. Badhoo Dachaasa

80. Buruysoo Boru

81. Dr-Tarrafaa W/tsaadiq

82. Kabbadaa Dirribaa

83. Iyyoob Taaddasaa

84. Lammaa Fidaa

85. Shiimalis Olaana

86. Mohammad Umar Qaadii

87. Asaffaa Namarraa

88. Musxafaa Haarawwee

89. Axinaaf yimaam

90. Araarsoo Wadaay

91. Ayaantuu Dagaa

92. Kumaala Karoorsaa

93. Shek-Mohammed Rashad Abdulle

Kanneen hafan isin itti guutaa!

Bu'uurri saboonumaa Oromoo Godinaa fi ganda tokko qofaa miti.Saboonummaan Oromoo Oromiyaa guutuu keessaa biqilte!

Sababa sabboontummaatiif Oromoo Gosaan qooduun hin taatiire?

Monday, March 12, 2018

Dhiheessii Gaazaa hanqisuun Wayyaaneef gaaga’ama guddaadha

Ferhan Abdulselam
9 hrs
Dhiheessii Gaazaa hanqisuun Wayyaaneef gaaga’ama guddaadha
Itoophiyaan waggaatti boba’aa/gaaza liitira bilyoona 3.5 fayyadamti akka shallaggii bara 2017 tti. Wayyaaneen (maqaa dhaabbata EPSE jedhamuun) karaa poortii Jibuutii fi Suudaaniitiin biyya alaarraa ol galchiti. San booda kaampaanota 13’f raabsiti. Isaan kunis buufata gaazaa 740 guutummaa biyyattii keessa jirutti hiru.
Akka abbaan taayitaa geejjibaa Federaalaa himetti, dhuma bara 2017’tti baay’inni konkolaattota Itoophiyaa keessaa 831,000. Baay’inni konkolaattotaa fi dhiheessii gaazaa wal hin gitu. Kuni rakkoo guddaa biyyattiin qabdu ta’uun beekkamaadha. Fakkeenyaaf konkolaattotni dhibbeentaa 62 Finfinnee keessa jiru. Baay’inni isaanii 515,220. Garuu buufatni gaazaa jiru 100 qofa. Oromiyaa bal’oo keessa buufatni gaazaa 220 qofatu jira; sanuu naannolee hundaa ol qabaachuudhaan.
Dubbii ijootti yoo isnii deebi’e, dhiheessiin boba’aa qaawa laafaa biyyattiin hanga ammaatti suphuu dadhabdeedha. Laafinna jiru irratti yeroo liqii gaaza biyya alaatii galchitu itti kafaluu dadhabde irratti argamti. Liqii gaazaa doolaara milyoona 200 kafaluu dadhabdee akka rakkachaa turte miidiyaaleen addunyaa gabaasuun ni yaadatama. Humna diinagdee isiin kufte kanarratti yoo akka gaazni kun hin sochoone godhame miilli jalaa guuramuu isiiti Wayyaanee.
Gaazni biyya seenu hundi Oromiyaa qaxxaamuree biyyattii hundaaf raabsama. Yoo Oromiyaa keessatti sochiin dhiheessii gaazaa hanqifame sochiin konkolaattotaa akka biyyattiitti gaaga’ama guddaa keessa seena. Gaaga’amni kun immoo sochii mootummaa rakkoo guddaa keessa galcha. Akka daldallii fi hojiileen mootummaa utuban hin sochoone taasisa. Walumaa galatti konkolaattotni karaarra deeman cufti gaaza fayyadamu waan ta’eef gaaza dhabnaan sochiin dhaabate jechuudha. Gama biraatiin kun tooftaa cimaa humna xiqqaan karaa cufuu jechuu dandeenya. Kuni haala gaariin akka milkaa’u Qeerroon sirriitti irratti hojjachuu qabdu. Tooftaan akkanaa Wayyaanee salphaatti harka kennachiisuu danda’a.
Erga hangana jedhee, “boottee gaazaa waraana ramaddeefii yoo sochoofte hoo?” gaafiin jettu namoota hedduu biraa ka’uun ni mala. Garuu wanti of gaafachuu qabnu, “gaaza buufata 740 yeroo yerootti fe’amee dhaqu kana hunda waraana rammaddeefii akka karaa dabarsan gootii?” Natti hin fakkaatu. Yoo gootes, waraana jaraa hojii kanatti bobba’an baasii guddaatu itti baha. Dabalataan Waraanni ganda keessatti faca’ee ummata dararaa jiru kanatti hojiin kenname jechuudha. Humni kana ramaduun Wayyaaneef salphaa miti. Dubbiin tun shororkaa guddaa itti buufti.
Kanaafuu ammas irra deebi’ee hojii dhiheessii gaazaa hanqisuu kana milkeessuun injifannoo guddaa waan taheef, qeerroon jabaadhaa bakka jirtanii bifa of eeggannoo qabuun bootteen gaazaa tokko akka hin dabarre godhaa.
Injifannoon kan Oromooti!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Ethiopia protests: 'Nearly 100 killed' in Oromia and Amhara

Protesters chant slogans during a demonstration over what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country at Meskel Square in Ethiopia"s capital Addis Ababa, August 6, 2016.Image copyrightREUTERS
Image caption
Nearly 100 people were killed in the weekend's protests in Ethiopia as demonstrators clashed with security forces in different parts of the country, Amnesty International says.
The rights group says the most deadly incident happened in Bahir Dar, where at least 30 people died on Sunday.
The authorities have said seven died in Bahir Dar and that security forces were reacting to violence from protesters.
There has been an unprecedented wave of protests in Ethiopia in recent months.
People in the Oromo and Amhara regions have been complaining about political and economic marginalisation.
Amnesty says that 67 people died when "security forces fired live bullets at peaceful protesters" in different towns and cities in the Oromo region over the weekend.
There were clashes between security forces and protesters on Sunday in Bahir Dar, the Amhara regional capital.
Opposition activists have given similar figures for the number of people killed.
Map showing Ethiopia and Oromia and Amhara
The government has blamed "nearby and distant foreign enemies and social media activists" for defying warnings about holding unauthorised protests, the government-affiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate (FBC) reports.
The authorities have said that the demonstrators were destroying government and private property and "inflicting deaths on innocent citizens" and arrests were made as people were trying to spread the violence, FBC adds.
The United States, a close ally of the government, said it was "deeply concerned" by the violence and said the people's rights to demonstrate should be respected.
Protesters in Addis AbabaImage copyrightREUTERS
Image caption
The unrest was sparked last November by a plan to expand the capital into Oromia. This led to fears farmers from the Oromo ethnic group, the largest in Ethiopia, would be displaced.
The plan was later dropped but protests continued, highlighting issues such as marginalisation and human rights.
New York-based Human Rights Watch says that more than 400 people have been killed in clashes with the security forces since protests began. The government has disputed this figure.
The Amharas are Ethiopia's second biggest ethnic group and used to form the country's elite.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

ይድረስ ለአምባገነን ነፍስ ገዳዮች , ለትልቁ ሠራዊት ማንቀሳቀሱን አቁሙ።

ወገን በመደበኛ ጦር በአደባባይ ይገደላል። ሕዝብ ያላቅሳል። ድንበር ይጣሳል። የሚገድል ድርጅት ይወደሳል። ቃላት መግለፅ የማይችለው እብሪት ከገደቡ አልፎአል። ግፍ ገደቡን ጥሶአል። ከባዶ እግር ነፃ ባወጣችሁና ባለቢሊዮኔሮች ባደረጋችሁ ሀዝብ ላይ መዝምቱን መረጣችአል።
እንዲህም ሆኖ እባካችሁ አንድን እውነት እወቁ። ከእንግዲህ እንደ ተለመደው እያወናበዱ መቀጠል አይቻልም። የጦር መሣሪያ ብዛት፣ የሠራዊት ጋጋታ ጊዜያዊ መሆኑን ለእናንተ መንገር አያስፈልግም። ጦርነት የጀመራችሁት ከማን ጋር እንደሆነ የተገነዘባችሁ አይመስልም።
የኦሮሚያ ሕዝብ የኢምፓየርቱ ብዙሃን ሕዝብ ነው። የሀገርቱ እምብርት ነው። የኢኮኖሚ ሃይል ነው። ጀግና ሕዝብ ነው። በተለይ የአሁኑ ጊዜ ጦርነት ከዚህ ቀደም ከአሸነፋችሁት፣ ከሀገር ካባረራችሁት ወገን ጋር የምታካሄዱ ኣይነት ጦርነት አይዶለም። ይህ ሌላ፣ ፊፁም የተለየ ትውልድ ነው። በቴክኖሎጅ የሚታጋዝ፣ ከውግያ በቀር ሌላ አማራጭ የከለከላችሁት የ21ኛው መቶ ክፍለ ዘመን ትውልድ ነው። ትውልድን አታሸንፉም።
መንገዳችሁ አይሠራም። እንኩዋንስ ወታደራዊ አገዛዝ፣ ሌላም ተዓምር ቢታመጡ የኦሮሞን ሕዝብ አሸንፋችሁ፣ ሰላምን ማስፈን አትችሉም። የኢኮኖሚ ብልፅግና አታመጡም።ሕይወታችሁንም አታድኑም። ስለዚህ ከሕዝብ በስተጀርባ የሚታካሄዱትን ሴራና ያወጃችሁን ጦርነት አቁሙ።በጀብደኝነት መንገዳችሁ ከቀጠላችሁ ሥልጣናችሁ በሚያስገርም ፍጥነትና ባልጠበቃችሁት ሁኔታ ይደመደማል !! የመጭው ጊዜ ዕጣ ፋንታችሁ ፍፃሜ የማይገኝለት ልቅሶ ይሆናል!!
በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ በጀብደኞና ስግብግብ ፖለቲካኞች የተሳሳተ ፖሊሲ ምክንያት በክልሉ ላይ አደገኛ የእርስ በርስ ጦርነት እያንዣበበ ነው። በምሥራቅ አፍሪካ ሰላም ልኖር የምችለው በሁለቱ ታላላቅ ብሄራት መካከል ዘለቄታዊ ህብረትና ትብብር ሲኖር ብቻ ነው። ሁለቱም ታሪካዊ ቁርኝት ያላቸው የአማራና የኦሮሞ ሕዝቦች ናቸው። በዚህ አጋጣሚ፣ የኦሮሞ ምሁራን የታገሉት የአማራ ገዢ መደቦችን ጭቆና፣ የበላይነትና ትምክህተኝነት እንጂ የአማራን ሕዝብ አይዶለም። ይህ በሁሉም ዘንድ በቂ ግንዛቤ ሊገኝ ይገባል። እውነቱ ከተፈለግ፣ ኦሮሞና አማራ በደም የተሳሳሩ ምንም ዓይነት የፖለቲካ ሴራ የማይለያያቸው ሕዝቦች ናቸው።
ትክክል ያልሆነውን ያአንድ ዘመን የፖለቲካ አካሄድን ማውገዝ ማለት ሁለቱ ሕዝቦች ጠላት ሆኑ ማለት አይዶለም። በተላይ ዛሬ ሁለቱን ሕዝቦች ለማቃቃር የሆነ ያሆልነውን ተንኮል የሚሸርቡ ሁሉ የሁለቱም ሕዝቦች እኩል ጠላቶች መሆናቸው በውል መታወቅ አለበት።ተፈለገም ተጠላ፣ በአከባቢው ሰላም ላይ መወሰን የሚችሉት ሁለቱ ሕዝቦች ናቸው።አንድነታቸው ተፈልጊ ብቻ ሳሆን ወሳኝም ነው። ክቡራን የወያኔ መሪዎችና ጀኔራሎች! በግልፅ እንደምታውቁት የፖለቲካ አማራጭ አላጣችሁም ወይም አልተከለከላችሁም። ተመካከሩ። በመካከልችሁ የሚያስቸግሩ አክራሪዎች ካሉ አስወግዱ።
እነርሱ ጅብደኞች፣ ጥቅም አስዳጆችና ለእውነት ደንታ ቢሶች ናቸው። ከእነርሱ ጋር መቀጠሉን ከመረጣችሁ የእናንተው መጪ ትውልድ በሰራችሁት ግፍ፣ ባፈሰሳችሁት ደም፣ በክልሉ ላይ በፈጠራችሁት ሁከት ምክንያት በእናንተ መጠራትን ይፀየፋል። የምሥራቅ አፍሪካን ለግል ጥቅሙ ሲል እሳት የጫረበት ክፉ ትውልድ ተብላችሁ ትጠራላችሁ። ዕድሜም፣ ሥልጣንም፣ የፖለቲካና የወታደራዊ የበላይነትም ጊዜያዊ ናቸው።
ትውልድና ታሪክ ግን ይቀጥላሉ። ስለዚህ የሰላም መንገድ ይታያችሁ። ሕዝብ የሀገር ባለቤትነቱንና መብቱን ጠየቀ እንጂ ሙቱ ወይም ከሀገር ውጡ አላላችሁም። ችግሮችን በሰላማዊ መንገድ ፊቱ። ሽፍጥ ለሌለበት ሰላማዊ የፖለቲካ ድርድር ራሳችሁን አቅረቡ። ሁሉም ይተባበራችአል። ተንኮልና ሴራን ተው። ለትንሽ ለትልቁ ሠራዊት ማንቀሳቀሱን አቁሙ። ልካችሁ ያልሆነውን ሱሪ ካልለብስን አትበሉ። በአቅማችሁ ኑሩ። ካልሆነ ከአቅማችሁ በላይ የተሰቀላችሁበት የውሸት ፈዴራሊዝም በቅርቡ ይወድቃል።አሁንም ቢሆን ወደ ፍፃሜው እየመጣ ነው። ባጭሩ የኦሮሞን ሕዝብና የታሪክን እውነት አታሸንፉም። ሰላም የሚታገኙት የሰላምና የእውነት መንገድ ስትከተሉ ብቻ ነው!!

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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Side Effects Of Lipstick//...//Miidhaa(dhibee) halluu hidhii dibachuun namatti fidu.

dhagetanii worraa hidhii ciirrii fakkeessuun,,  harkumanii rakkoo ufti fidu.
Dhageessanii jirtu; keessahuu jarreen dibachuu bira darbee akka nama dhiiga dhugaaruu fakkeeffattan.
Yeroo ammaa biyyoota Addunyaa mara keessatti Hidhiin dubartootaa akkuma kophee miilaa dibata(cream) nyaachuu eegaluun isaa oolee bubbuleera.
Miidhaa(dhibee) halluu hidhii dibachuun namatti fidu
1. Kaansarii hidhii, gaaracha fi qoonqoo nama qabsiisa.
2. Madaa'uu hidhii fida.
3. Qoonqoo keessa ni miidha(huuba qoonqoo ni huba.)
4. Qunca'uu gogaa hidhii ni fida. Darbees tatarsa'uu hidhii waan fiduuf balaa uuma.
5. Keemikaala akka liidii waan of keessa qabuuf dhukkuba garaachaa fi dhibee yeroo ammaa akka addunyaatti nama fixaa jiru"kaansarii" nama qabsiisa.
6.Fedhii nyaataa ni hir'sa. Yoggaa nyaata nyaatan halluun sun nyaataa wajjin qaama seenuun garaacha irra bu'uun dhibee biraaf nu saaxila. sababnisaa kemikaalota akka aluminium, cadmium, chromium
and mangane of keessa qaba.
7. Lipsticks'n(Dibata hidhii) baayyeen isaanii petrochemicals(crude oil and natural gases) irra waan oomishamaniif rakkoo dhala dhabu, quucaruu fi guddinaa dhaabuufa namarran gaha.
Egaan Lipsticks(halluu hidhii miidhaqsuu) akka meeshaa miidhaginaatti fayyadamuun fayyummaa qaama keenyaaf gaarii akka hin taanee hubannee utuu itti fayyadamuu dhiisnee gaarii taha. Galatooma! Nagaa fi fayyaa hin dhabina!!

Side Effects Of Lipstick

The most important component in a woman’s make-up kit is probably the lipstick. No make-up kit is complete without one (or many, considering the different shades and brands). They no doubt add beauty to your pout. But, at what cost? Lipsticks come with some unavoidable side-effects, thanks to its manufacturing materials. Women wear lipstick when they leave home and continue wearing it all day long – sometimes even to bed. Many lipsticks contain lead, which is extremely harmful and causes irreversible health damage. They cause allergy, irritation, and chapping on the lips and the surrounding skin. Certain harmful chemicals and heavy metals can also cause cancer. Here are some harmful side-effects of using lipsticks regularly.

1. Heavy Metals Cause Renal Failure

Heavy Metals Cause Renal Failure
Lipsticks contain harmful heavy metals like cadmium, magnesium and chromium. All these metals can cause dangerous diseases and organ damage. Extremely high amounts of cadmium can increase the risk of renal failure. Frequent application of lipstick can cause severe stomach tumors.

2. Lead Affects Nervous System

Lead Is Harmful To The Nervous System
Lead is a common constituent in most lipsticks. Lead is a neurotoxin that has a harmful effect on the nervous system. It can also cause brain damage, hormonal imbalance and infertility.

3. Petrochemicals Disrupt Growth

Petrochemicals May Effect The Growth
Many lipsticks have petrochemicals as a common ingredient, which have harmful side-effects. Petrochemicals are a by-product of crude oil and natural gas. It can cause endocrine disruption that works as an obstacle for growth, development, reproduction, and intelligence.

4. Preservatives Cause Cancer

Preservatives Used In Lipstick Cause Cancer
The preservatives used in lipsticks are formaldehyde and parabens that are known carcinogens. Lipsticks that utilize these preservatives cause irritation of the eyes, coughing, wheezing and irritation on skin. The mineral oils used in lipsticks block the skin pores and are responsible for many permanent harmful effects.

5. Chemicals Harm The Body

Chemicals in lipstick harm the body
Though bismuth oxychloride is a chemical used to preserve the lipstick, it is extremely harmful for the body. The harmful effect of lipsticks is due to the carcinogenic property of this ingredient. The propylparabens act as preservatives just like formaldehyde.

6. Increases Toxin Ingestion

Lipstick Increases Toxin Ingestion
Lipsticks are worn most of the time, including when eating out. Women ingest them accidentally while eating, long after they are applied. This increases the impact of the toxins present in lipsticks. The lipstick or lip gloss result in women exceeding the daily intake permitted for aluminium, cadmium, chromium and manganese. These accumulate in the body over time and cause toxicity. The intake of these metals are more than 20 per cent of their accepted daily intake (ADI) limits. ADI is the maximum amount of a toxin that a person can be exposed to without any major health risk.