Thursday, October 30, 2014

B/ Gen. Kemal Gelchu’s OLF-Change Says Seven Council Members Dismissed

The Dismissed Includes Dr. Nuro Dadefo, B/ Gen. Hailu Gonfa and Ob. Qasim Aba Nasha
Posted: Onkoloolessa/October 30, 2014 · Finfinne Tribune | | Comments off | Finfinne Tribune’s News Desk received the following statement dated October 25, 2014 from the OLF-Change faction led by B/ Gen. Kemal Gelchu. The statement, in Afan Oromo and English, is posted below in its entirety. The controversy inside the OLF-Change (also known as OLF/ABO-Jijjiramaa) faction came to the public’s attention last week when the Executive Committee of OLF-Change dismissed B/ Gen. Kemal Gelchu from the organization’s chairmanship. Follow the controversy inside the OLF-Change here.

Oromo Liberation Front

Ref.No: olf-019-2014
Date: October 25, 2014

The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) under the leadership of B/ Gen. Kamal Galchu had convened its council meeting October 12, 2014 to assess ongoing duties of its executives and council members, and drafts a working plan for the remainder year.
After much deliberation, or formal discussion and debate, the council has passed a resolution to dismiss 7 (seven) of council members and accepted resignation request of one council member for unprofessional behavior in their leadership, these are;

• Qasim Aba Nasha
• Dr. Nuro Dadefo
• Tadala Abidata
• Ali Xahiro
• G/ Hailu Gonfa
• Dhaaba Gutema and
• Abdulshekur Osman

The dismissal is based on the following summarized points:

1. Causing a divisiveness and suspicion within the members by forming own group.
2. Disseminating false and baseless information among the members.
3. Refusing the decision passed unanimously by the council
4. Negotiating and exchanging letters that bears the chairman’s name without the knowledge of the chairman and the remainder of the executive body
5. Breaking the rules and regulation of the organization by calling illegal meeting
6. Refusing to attend the council meeting called by the Chairman.
7. Failing to perform their responsibilities for 8 Months.
8. Refusing to accept the decision passed by the Organization’s legal team
9. Turning down any attainable goals proposed by the members without reason
10. Failure to perform a required duties, etc.

We, therefore, would like to announce to our supporters, allies and Oromo people to take into account that these individuals will no longer be part of the executive body. And we also inform that any activities conducted by this dismissed group in the name of this Organization shall be liable for their own actions.

B/Gen. Kamal Galchu, OLF Chairman
CC : OLF Legal Committee
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo

Laakkoo: abo-019B-2014
Guyyaa: Onk. 25, 2014

Gumii Sabaa Addi Bilisummaa Oromo B/G/ Kamal Galchuun hoogganamu walgahii hatattamaa kan Onkoloolessa 25 bara 2014 godhateen dhimma namoota waggaa tookof ol jaarmaya keessatti jeequmsa deemsisaa turanii Onkoleelessa 21, 2014 itti gaaftama dhaabaa irraa uguraman ilaalchisee gabaasa koree dhimma namoota kana qorachuuf utubamte irraa dhihaate irratti erga mari’ateen booda dhimma namoota kanaa irratti murtii maayii kennee jira.

Badiilee namootin kun haga ammaa ABO keessatti raawwatan haga tokko ibsuudhaaf,Badiilee namootin kun haga ammaa ABO keessatti raawwatan haga tokko ibsuudhaaf,

1. Murtiilee fi qajeelfama GS fudhachuu diduu
2. Qabsoo sabaa lagatanii aangof bololuu akka ta’e
3. Bolola aangoo kana guutachuf gaafatama dhaabichaa hunda harkatti galfachuuf carraaquu
4. Erga aangoo dhaabichaa harkattti galffataniin booda dhaabicha fuudhanii diinatti galchuu
5. Jaarmayaa keessatti gareen wal ijaaruu
6. Xalayaalee HDn dhaabaa hin beekne qopheesanii maqaa HD-ABOn gara dhaaba ODF jedhamu kan qabsooo Oromo lagatee mootummaa wayyyanettti galuuf saganteefatetti erguu
7. Walgahiilee dhaabni quba hinqabne irratti hirmaachuun maqaa dhaabatiin dubbachuu
8. Walgahiilee sirnnaan ala ta’e waamuu
9. Caasaa isaanitin ala miseensotaa fi qondaalota dhaabaa quunnamuun olola dharaa facaasuu
10. Walgahii GS-Seerwa HD dhaabatiin waamame irratti hirmaachuu diduu fi Jaallan birotis akka iratti hin hirmaanne kakkaasuu
11. Jaarmayaa bakka isaan qubatan jiru diiguu
12. Ji’oota saddeetii oliif dirqama itti kenname raawwachuu diduu
13. Murtii KST (koree Seeraa fi tooohannoo) fudhachuu diduu
14. Maqaalee hooganootaa fi miseensota caacaa biyya keeyssaa dhuunfachuuf carraaquu fi kkf akka ta’e hubatameeti jira.

Kanaaf, GS–ABO namootin maqaan isaanii asiin gaditti kaayame guyyaa Onkoleelessa 25, 2014 irraa kaasee gaafatama Jaarmaya keessatti qabaachaa turan irraa kaasee miseensummaa isaanii mulqee jira. Namotin kun naqaa dhaaba keenyaan waan tokkos hojjachuu akka hin dandeenye miseensota, deegartootaa fi ummata keenyaf beeysifnna.

• Dr. Nuro Dadafo
• Qasim A/Nasha
• Ali Xahiro
• Hailu Gonfa
• Taadalaa Wirtu
• Abdushekur Usman fi
• Dhaabaa Gutema

B/General Kamal Gelchuu,


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